Sharing ways and encouraging others to speak up for the suffering animals and people all over the world who are suffering from abuse, hunger and everything else. Lets put a stop to the cruel treatment of living things.
Here is Ward Foley's Facebook page. He is Scarman and he is so special. I cannot post enough about him! He has helped so many and he helps children. Jesus is smiling upon Ward! Those who help and love God's children are very very pleasing to the Lord and how great I feel to be able to Blog about someone positive helping kids when so many abusers hurt children and so many bad, evil things come my way and I must spread the word. When an ispiration like Ward comes to me, it shows me that we have hope and that there are people who care about the things I am so passionate to change. That I am not just sharing bad new and trying to help those suffering , I am connecting, meeting and making friends with people all over that I never would have know if I didnt start speaking up, if i didnt voice my concerns. If i just kept pretending not to see, how much I see that I would be missing out on. Bless anyone who is willing to open up and at least give it a chance to pay attention to what matters. We cannot turn the other cheek anymore. its happening now, we are the generation born into a point in time where the world is needing saving and becoming unstable and in threat of ending. it wont survive if we dont save it.
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