Save the Bengal Tiger

Everyone’s Story:

Elaine's Blog:

'via Blog this'

Wow, thank you Elaine, you are such a saint and so very kind! i just love your blog and everything you stand for! you are truley and amazing lady and I am so very thankful to have met you!  I guess i can thank Mr. Ward Foley for that...again. I've met a few incredible souls through him.  I just love and admire Ward. what a hero!
I am so thankful to God for blessing my life with people like you!  I am thankful to social networking.  I would literally know 1000's of people never existed if not for this gift!
This is what we should always used it for!


1 comment:

Elaine Stock said...

Wow ♡ I truly never expected such sweet, glowing words. I thank *you*! I agree about social networking. When I began my blog I did so out of a push for pre-published writers to grow an internet presence. My blog is now just a little over a year old and the blessings I've received from it are countless: meeting beautiful, caring people like yourself who champion causes outside their own inner world, to people who rise above their circumstances and give out to others (like Ward), to guests who have become prayer partners, to other people from around the world that occasionally pop up just to say hello. It sure takes away the uglies in the world and helps to remind me that God has indeed created some beautiful people. Heartfelt thanks!