iego, a young lion who was seized by Mexican wildlife officials during a criminal investigation, has been languishing for nearly two years in a cramped, barren cage at the Zacango Zoo outside Mexico City. Photographs and video footage provided to PETA depict Diego pacing incessantly in his tiny cage—behavior that is indicative of stress, boredom, and frustration. A U.S. sanctuary is standing by to receive Diego and provide him with the care he needs—including room to roam and the opportunity to enjoy the company of other big cats.
Please write to Mexico's Federal Agency for Environmental Protection (PROFEPA) and ask that Diego be released to the designated U.S. sanctuary that is ready to give him the space, environmental enrichment, care, and respect that he deserves.
Your letter will be sent to PROFEPA officials in Spanish, but it will be translated as follows:
Please Send Diego the Lion to a U.S. Sanctuary!
I was saddened to learn about Diego, the young lion who has been living in a barren, concrete cage at the Zacango Zoo for nearly two years. Respectfully, I'm writing to urge PROFEPA to expedite his transfer to the U.S sanctuary that stands ready to receive him, where he can be provided with the space and specialized care he needs and deserves. Thank you for your consideration.