Save the Bengal Tiger
Brent's Network | Building Bridges Worldwide: The Rainbow Bridge — Humanity's Bridge — The People's Bridge
Brent's Network | Building Bridges Worldwide: The Rainbow Bridge — Humanity's Bridge — The People's Bridge
Urge Mexican Officials to Transfer Lonely Lion to U.S. Sanctuary
Urge Mexican Officials to Transfer Lonely Lion to U.S. Sanctuary
iego, a young lion who was seized by Mexican wildlife officials during a criminal investigation, has been languishing for nearly two years in a cramped, barren cage at the Zacango Zoo outside Mexico City. Photographs and video footage provided to PETA depict Diego pacing incessantly in his tiny cage—behavior that is indicative of stress, boredom, and frustration. A U.S. sanctuary is standing by to receive Diego and provide him with the care he needs—including room to roam and the opportunity to enjoy the company of other big cats.
Please write to Mexico's Federal Agency for Environmental Protection (PROFEPA) and ask that Diego be released to the designated U.S. sanctuary that is ready to give him the space, environmental enrichment, care, and respect that he deserves.
Your letter will be sent to PROFEPA officials in Spanish, but it will be translated as follows:
Please Send Diego the Lion to a U.S. Sanctuary!
I was saddened to learn about Diego, the young lion who has been living in a barren, concrete cage at the Zacango Zoo for nearly two years. Respectfully, I'm writing to urge PROFEPA to expedite his transfer to the U.S sanctuary that stands ready to receive him, where he can be provided with the space and specialized care he needs and deserves. Thank you for your consideration.
mikecervenimusic - YouTube
mikecervenimusic - YouTube:
'via Blog this'
This is the talented musician Mike Cerveni who was kind enough to allow me to use one of his songs from the CD The World You Know. The song is called Right Now and it is dedicated to his mom who passed away from cancer four years ago. It's such a beautiful song and I'm forever grateful to Mike for allowing me to use it to devote my video to all of the precious children in this world.
Thanks Mike.....
For the abused children.....
'via Blog this'
This is the talented musician Mike Cerveni who was kind enough to allow me to use one of his songs from the CD The World You Know. The song is called Right Now and it is dedicated to his mom who passed away from cancer four years ago. It's such a beautiful song and I'm forever grateful to Mike for allowing me to use it to devote my video to all of the precious children in this world.
Thanks Mike.....
For the abused children.....
Seeing the world through the eyes of a child
This made me cry! Another reason why children should be teaching us and we should be living by the examples they set. Seeing the world through the eyes of a child is what I try and do everyday. It's just much more beautiful that way!

An anthropologist proposed a game to the kids in
an African tribe. He put a basket full of fruit near a
tree and told the kids that who ever got there first
won the sweet fruits. When he told them to run they
all took each others hands and ran together, then
sat together enjoying their treats. When he asked
them why they had run like that as one could have
had all the fruits for himself they said: ''UBUNTU,
how can one of us be happy if all the other ones are
'UBUNTU' in the Xhosa culture means: "I am
because we are"
an African tribe. He put a basket full of fruit near a
tree and told the kids that who ever got there first
won the sweet fruits. When he told them to run they
all took each others hands and ran together, then
sat together enjoying their treats. When he asked
them why they had run like that as one could have
had all the fruits for himself they said: ''UBUNTU,
how can one of us be happy if all the other ones are
'UBUNTU' in the Xhosa culture means: "I am
because we are"
Big Cats - Petitions
I just love Big Cats, they have to be one of my very favorite, so amazing and beuatiful. Most definitely on of Gods greatest creation's in my opinion!

And this face book page is awesome because they have all the petitions in need of signing in order to save the cats right in one place and wonderful, beautiful pictures of cats!

animals, children, abuse
big cats tigers cheetah
Child Abuse Poems
Child Abuse Poems
very very sad, but real!
I'm currently working on a windows media slide show/video in honor of the children!
very very sad, but real!
I'm currently working on a windows media slide show/video in honor of the children!
Trusting… « mike gothard photography
Trusting… « mike gothard photography
Yesterday I posted a photo of a female northern cardinal waiting on our birdbath, not for a few seconds as their usual habit, but for over ten minutes. Several hours later this same bird returned and took up residence on the birdbath, only this time she didn’t just wait, she rested. She nestled her beak into her feathers and she fell asleep for over 15 minutes…out in the open, unprotected, alone. While other birds, chipmunks, and squirrels flitted and fluttered and foraged around her, she slept.
I watch the birds ten feet from my window every morning and I’ve never seen another bird fall asleep on the birdbath. Cardinals like to sit close to the ground in dense tangles of vines and shrubs, but never out in the open for more than a few seconds. Of the dozen different types of birds that I’ve been able to identify that use our birdbath, by far the cardinal is one of the most skittish. And yet she sat on the birdbath waiting, resting, content, as though she knew Someone was watching over her.
The Wounded Warrior: My Ten Commandments #ChildAbuse #Recovery
The Wounded Warrior: My Ten Commandments #ChildAbuse #Recovery: These are my ideas only, my ways of dealing with what was done to me. They might not work for everyone but they worked for me. Please rememb...
this is a great blog!
this is a great blog!
Gulf Dolphin Die-Off Is Unprecedented | Michael Jasny's Blog | Switchboard, from NRDC
Gulf Dolphin Die-Off Is Unprecedented | Michael Jasny's Blog | Switchboard, from NRDC
But never have the dolphins experienced a die-off that has lasted as long, involved as many animals, or afflicted as many calves.
This is so very sickening and sad! Dolphins have to be, in my opinion, one of the most amazing, miraculous and mystical of God's creatures. How terribly sad. :(
But never have the dolphins experienced a die-off that has lasted as long, involved as many animals, or afflicted as many calves.
This is so very sickening and sad! Dolphins have to be, in my opinion, one of the most amazing, miraculous and mystical of God's creatures. How terribly sad. :(
Support Sen. Harb's Bill to End Canada's Seal Slaughter
Support Sen. Harb's Bill to End Canada's Seal Slaughter
isnt this exciting!! i just received an email with this news! please sign the petition and encourage others to do so as well! thanks. this is the very first cause i became involved in and the very reason for my determination now.....words cant explain how thankful and happy this makes me and im sure many many others!
isnt this exciting!! i just received an email with this news! please sign the petition and encourage others to do so as well! thanks. this is the very first cause i became involved in and the very reason for my determination now.....words cant explain how thankful and happy this makes me and im sure many many others!
Rottweiler swallows one of ocean's most deadly sea creatures and survives » DogHeirs | Where Dogs Are Family « Keywords: blue-ringed octopus, Rottweiler, South Australia, O'Halloran Hill Veterinary Hospital
Rottweiler swallows one of the oceans most deadly creatures and survives!
Rottweiler swallows one of ocean's most deadly sea creatures and survives » DogHeirs | Where Dogs Are Family « Keywords: blue-ringed octopus, Rottweiler, South Australia, O'Halloran Hill Veterinary Hospital
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