Save the Bengal Tiger

Child Abuse Poems

Child Abuse Poems

very very sad, but real!

I'm currently working on a windows media slide show/video in honor of the children!

Trusting… « mike gothard photography

Trusting… « mike gothard photography

Yesterday I posted a photo of a female northern cardinal waiting on our birdbath, not for a few seconds as their usual habit, but for over ten minutes. Several hours later this same bird returned and took up residence on the birdbath, only this time she didn’t just wait, she rested. She nestled her beak into her feathers and she fell asleep for over 15 minutes…out in the open, unprotected, alone. While other birds, chipmunks, and squirrels flitted and fluttered and foraged around her, she slept.
I watch the birds ten feet from my window every morning and I’ve never seen another bird fall asleep on the birdbath. Cardinals like to sit close to the ground in dense tangles of vines and shrubs, but never out in the open for more than a few seconds. Of the dozen different types of birds that I’ve been able to identify that use our birdbath, by far the cardinal is one of the most skittish. And yet she sat on the birdbath waiting, resting, content, as though she knew Someone was watching over her.
my save the animals video

The Wounded Warrior: My Ten Commandments #ChildAbuse #Recovery

The Wounded Warrior: My Ten Commandments #ChildAbuse #Recovery: These are my ideas only, my ways of dealing with what was done to me. They might not work for everyone but they worked for me. Please rememb...
this is a great blog!

Gulf Dolphin Die-Off Is Unprecedented | Michael Jasny's Blog | Switchboard, from NRDC

Gulf Dolphin Die-Off Is Unprecedented | Michael Jasny's Blog | Switchboard, from NRDC

But never have the dolphins experienced a die-off that has lasted as long, involved as many animals, or afflicted as many calves.
This is so very sickening and sad! Dolphins have to be, in my opinion, one of the most amazing, miraculous and mystical of God's creatures.  How terribly sad. :( 

Support Sen. Harb's Bill to End Canada's Seal Slaughter

Support Sen. Harb's Bill to End Canada's Seal Slaughter

isnt this exciting!! i just received an email with this news! please sign the petition and encourage others to do so as well! thanks. this is the very first cause i became involved in and the very reason for my determination now.....words cant explain how thankful and happy this makes me and im sure many many others!